

Hello All,
In a predominantly Democratic town the people of Middlesex are getting fed up with the status quo. Our taxes are high relative to other towns in our peer group and our level of services received is not in balance with the amount of resources we as taxpayers put in for them. We need change in Middlesex and the Middlesex Republicans must be agents for positive change.
In Middlesex, the margin between victory and defeat is small. Every vote counts. We need to stay involved and hold our government accountable by our power to vote.
Middlesex borough needs leaders with integrity and action without rhetoric. The public trust is something you earn by your actions not given just because of an oath of office. Our citizens our looking for crime down, open space opened, odors and stenches eliminated, ordinances followed and our Middlesex quality of life to improve.

As Republicans in Middlesex Borough we make it our mission to work for the betterment of our town. Our goal is for Middlesex Borough to have effective and efficient government and to improve the quality of life for all Middlesex residents not just the chosen few. Please get involved. Our meetings are the 3rd Thursday of every month, 7:30 at the Beechwood Firehouse. Please come. Your input is appreciated and welcome.

The Middlesex Republicans are listening Middlesex and we will try our best.
This is our town. Let our voices be heard.
Steve Greco Chairman

Moving Middlesex in the Right direction

We've revised our By-Laws - Click on the picture below to review.

BMRO Representitives on Borough Council

Borough of Middlesex Republican Organization Officers

County Committee


Social Media can be an excellent tool for a broad communication of ideas. However, it is not necessarily a good medium for a discussion in the context of a group of comments. In a group of comments with many responses there are many different levels of understanding on an issue. While with the best intentions a response to comments may satisfy some people there is a a greater chance for misconception or misunderstanding by the others. To avoid an unintentional misunderstanding by the public, as a general policy we ask members of our party not to respond in a group social media setting. We welcome constructive input and encourage transparency. We invite you to attend our meetings or contact us through our published e-mails.

Have something to say or want to help spread the word around?

Read below for an easy way to help write letters to the Editor

Below you will find 6 easy steps on how to submit your letters.

1. Write a short letter no longer than 200 words
2. Go to
3. Type or cut and paste your letter in the box
4. Select either the Star Ledger or the Bridgewater Courier News
5. Fill out your information
6. Hit “Submit” and you are done and the letter is on the way to the newspaper 

Thank you for visiting the Middlesex Borough Republicans website!


We need your e-mail address to keep you in the Republican loop.


This website funded by the Borough of Middlesex Republican Organization, P.O. Box 324 Middlesex, NJ 08846